• Briefing the common application of H2020, „BalCulTales”, University of Pannonia – II.5. sub-project (Partners: Bourgas Regional Tourism Association, Bulgaria * Mugla Sitki Kocman University, Turkey * Felsőbbfokú Tanulmányok Intézete, HU * Matematicki Institut SANU, Serbia * Trakya Development Agency, Turkey * Universitatea Sapientia Din Municipiul Cluj-Napoca, Romania * Republic of Macedonia Goce Delces State University STIP * University of National and World Economy, Bulgaria)
  • H2020 Project development training – PE, 2017.10.13., 2017.10.20.
  • Training for technical use of PREZI presentation software – PE, 2018.11.26., 2018.12.03.
  • Participation on conferences (chart attached) – The students and young researchers taking part in the professional implementation of the application project present their researches on domestic and foreign conferences.

The publications can be read here.